18 October 2013


It started a few years ago.

People turning up missing wasn't anything new.  This was Chicago. People have been turning up missing in this city since this city was a baby. The first few, people didn't even seem to notice.  It was when they started showing up again, that people really started to care.  At first, it seemed like there was a serial killer loose in the Windy City, but then it got really weird...I mean, sure, people were still turning up missing, but more and more started not turning back up dead.

Then came news of the attacks. I think the first reports were out of Milwaukee. Then Detroit, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Des Moines.  Des Moines for chrissakes.  Who in their right mind goes to Iowa?  Seemed like something out of News of the Weird, ya know?  Anyways...

Fast forward to today.  Everything we know has changed. The world has changed. The threat has changed. The enemy has changed. THEY have changed.  They were once seen by some as entertainment, now they're seen by all as monsters.

Gone are the struggles of world governments. Gone are the struggles over whose god is right. There is only struggle to survive. But hey, this town was born out of struggle.  I guess you could say I was born out of struggle.

These are the tales of what has come to pass. The world we now know. The world I have vowed to protect.

1 comment:

To new fans: Welcome! I hope you enjoy reading my stories. They started back in the days of myspace then went missing for a while until I discovered this little medium in which to continue them. To returning fans: It's been a long time. So long in fact that I opted to rebooting the series rather than starting from where we left off. For one, it makes it easier for me to continue on this new format and makes it easier for new readers to know what the hell is going on, even if I don't.

Comments are welcome. I love feedback. Hate speech and spam are not. Because there are a lot of webtards out there who live to post negative and hurtful things, all comments will need review before becoming public. Keep it grown up and I will allow it. Act like a dumbass, and it won't see the light of day.